31 aprile 2004

Med.Pride Project


On 7 March, 2004, at the Italian Embassy of Cairo, H. E. Ambassador Badini held a visibility and promotion day of the Med.Pride project, financed by the EUMEDIS European Union programme.



After H. E. Ambassador Badini’s greetings, addressed to a large audience of journalists and representatives of political, economic and entrepreneurial world in Egypt, Mr. Roberto Saliola and Mrs. Simona Cigliano, Senior Officers of “Sviluppo Italia” and coordinators of the pilot projesct, described its aim of transferring an innovative organizational model for the creation and support of small and medium enterprises in Egypt as well as in other six countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean (Tunisia, Egypt, Cyprus, Malta, Palestine and Lebanon).



The sharing of the specific know-how, transferred by “Sviluppo Italia” , is carried out both by traditional classroom trining and “Satellite Point-to-Point” Distance Learning Technology. The crucial working tool is represented by a dedicated web area, in which project management, teaching customisation of organizational models appear and experiences, problems and solutions are shared.



The President of Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, partner of the project, Dr. Michele Capasso, confirmed the importance that a similar initiative stands for in the “globalised civil society”.


The Social Fund for Development, representing Egypt in the project, expressed the utmost appreciation for the pilot action. The high number of highly qualified participants and the effective contribution through interventions and questions confirmed the interest generated by the project.