ALMAMED is a congregation of the Universities and the networks of Universities of the Euromediterranean Countries.
ALMAMED aims, as its main objective, at creating , through specific but coordinated programmes, a database made of the sum of the specific databases programmed, in the process of being established and already realised.
This electronic archive, continuously updated, is the bulk of data necessary in order to fulfil the objectives of ALMAMED which are:
· Create opportunities of exchanges between Euromediterranean Universities also within the framework of the programmes of the European Union.
· Set up network tools through active and participate research methodologies, able to collect information on structural aspects of Euromediterranean Universities.
· Increase processes of exchange and communication of competencies and resources for an effective and efficient administration of the Universities.
· Create a database in progress regarding the activities of the University.
· Establish University degrees common to many Universities.
· Establish systematic student-exchanges between Universities.
· Establish the "Library of Euromediterranean Universities" to collect the main publications.

The identification and constitution of the various branches and bureaux is entrusted to the FONDAZIONE LABORATORIO MEDITERRANEO, invested by the II FORUM CIVILE EUROMED to proceed, by its own initiative and means, firstly to the constitution of the ALMAMED and later to the conception and realisation of its spatial organisation.

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