Dublin, 5-6 May 2004
1. The Dublin Mid-Term meeting of Euro-Mediterranean
Foreign Ministers took place as a
reaffirmation of the Partners’ continuing commitment to the
Barcelona process. It
confirmed the importance of partnership and co-ownership as essential
elements of the
2. The meeting took place against the background
of a number of initiatives concerning the
countries of the Mediterranean region and beyond. The Union has
proposed to include
Mediterranean partners in the Neighbourhood policy. In addition,
on the basis of
mandates from the December 2003 European Council, an Interim Report
on “An EU
Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean and the Middle East”
was welcomed by the
European Council in March 2004. On the basis of this Interim Report,
work is now in
progress to develop for the European Council in June an agreed view
on relations with
the area which extends from Mauritania to Iran - the Mediterranean
and the Middle East.
3. Ministers unreservedly condemned terrorist attacks
including those at Casablanca,
Istanbul and Riyadh, as well as the appalling terrorist attack in
Madrid on 11 March, and
expressed solidarity with the victims. These events reinforced the
relevance of the Euro-
Mediterranean Partnership as the framework for solidarity and co-operation
between the
EU and its Mediterranean partners in tackling common security threats.
It should
stimulate the partners to reinforce all their joint activities,
in particular in the fight against
terrorism in all its forms, co-operation on justice and home affairs,
and the inter-cultural
4. Ministers therefore confirmed their attachment
and commitment to the Barcelona Process as the main framework for
a coherent set of privileged relations within the Euro-
Mediterranean neighbourhood. They acknowledged the solid and substantial
range of cooperation activities which has been established in a
spirit of partnership on issues ranging
from political and security questions, including human rights, political
reform and good
governance, through trade liberalisation, economic reform and infrastructure
networks to
culture, education and the movement of people. They therefore firmly
themselves to implementing the Naples agenda in order to reinvigorate
the Barcelona
Process while seeking ways of improving the sense of co-ownership
of the process.
5. The meeting also recognised the potential of
the European Neighbourhood Policy to build on the Barcelona Process
and to further it on the basis of jointly agreed Action Plans, as
well as the opportunities and benefits offered to the Mediterranean
partner countries
through this policy. Within a differentiated approach, the EU can
offer a more intensive
political dialogue and greater access to EU programmes and policies,
including their
gradual participation in the four freedoms particularly the Single
Market, as well as reinforced co-operation on justice and home affairs.
Such close and co-operative relations
will depend on a better mutual understanding of security concerns
and the strengthening
of commitments to common values and common principles, such as promoting
rights, combating terrorism, and non-proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction. The
level of EU support to the implementation of reforms should be related
on a mutually
agreed basis in a spirit of co-ownership, to the intensity of the
efforts of the partners
assessed under the framework of agreed evaluation instruments. Articulation
and EIB credits should be further reinforced, as well as co-ordination
within the EU and
with other donors.
6. Against this background, Ministers took stock
of progress in implementing the Valencia
Action Plan and the conclusions of the Ministerial meeting in Naples.
In the perspective
of the Euro-Mediterranean Foreign Ministers meetings to be held
under the Dutch and
Luxemburg Presidencies as well as the 10th anniversary next year
of the launching of the
Barcelona Process. Ministers requested the Euro-Mediterranean Committee
to draw up
firm proposals and guidelines for moving forward. They acknowledged
that progress on
the implementation of the Valencia Action Plan had been insufficient
and needed to be
speeded up. There should be more focus on deliverable achievements
rather than on
process. Final decisions were taken on the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation
for the
Dialogue of Cultures which will ensure its establishment in line
with the agreed
7. At Naples, Foreign Ministers mandated senior
officials to examine the Euro-
Mediterranean Partnership’s working methods. The Presidency
has carried this work
forward and, following an extensive consultation process with Partners,
published its
Working Paper on the Improvement of the Working Methods of the Partnership.
This has
met with the approval of the Senior Officials of the 35 partner
countries. Ministers
welcomed agreement on improving the working methods of the partnership,
includes the setting up of ad-hoc groups to prepare discussion,
proposals to increase the
sense of co-ownership by giving a greater role to the Mediterranean
partners, and certain
technical improvements. In addition, arising from this paper, two
ad-hoc thematic groups
have been set up and had their initial meetings on 5th and 7th April
respectively, with a
view to preparing work-plans on Partnership-Building Measures and
the European
Neighbourhood Policy. These draft work-plans were welcomed by the
8. Good progress has been made within the association
process which lies at the core of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
Association Agreements are now in force with
Morocco, Tunisia, Israel and Jordan and on an interim basis with
the Palestinian
Authority. There are interim agreements in place with Egypt and
Lebanon as well. The
ratification of the agreement concluded with Egypt is now finalised
and the first meeting
of the EU-Egypt Association Council is scheduled for June 2004.
The ratification
processes of the agreements with Lebanon and Algeria are also well
underway. All
partners were again encouraged to expedite the ratification process
of those Association
Agreements not yet in force. The EU is also encouraged by the progress
made towards
concluding an Association Agreement with Syria, and is hopeful that
the few outstanding
points will be resolved soon, allowing Syria to join the group of
countries which have signed Association or Interim Agreements with
the Union, thus
completing the network of Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements.
These are
important developments for the fulfilment of the objectives of the
Barcelona Declaration
and for the reinforcement of South-South cooperation.
9. Ministers drew attention to the priority they
attach to the promotion of gender equality
and the promotion of the role of women in society, in the framework
of pursuing the
objectives of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Ministers acknowledged
the important
contribution of women in all sectors, including: education, the
public service, the
administration of justice, business, agriculture and rural development.
They adopted the
promotion of the role of women in society, north and south of the
Mediterranean, as one
of the major ambitions in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
10. The setting up of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary
Assembly in Athens on 22-23
March was welcomed as a means to improve co-operation on democratisation
and to
provide an input into all areas of the Partnership. The President
of the Assembly
addressed the meeting of Foreign Ministers. It was agreed that the
views of the Assembly
on the major issues of the partnership would be welcome. Ministers
agreed that the
appropriate articulation between the institutions should be established
without setting up
an over-burdensome formal consultation procedure.
11. The EU presented an overview of its internal
discussions on its proposed Strategic
Partnership for the Mediterranean and the Middle East and encouraged
partners to make
comments and suggestions on the Strategic Partnership and follow
up actions relating to
it. The EU stressed that the most recent European Council underlined
the importance of
intensive consultation with the countries involved. Ministers welcomed
the opportunity
provided by the Dublin Mid-Term Ministerial meeting to discuss with
Partners the
proposed EU Strategic Partnership with regard to its Mediterranean
dimension and also to
underline its commitment to the Barcelona Process and its wish to
develop this further
including through the European Neighbourhood Policy.
12. In this respect the European Union and Mediterranean
partners discussed issues relating to reform and democratisation
in the region. Existing instruments such as the Association Agreements
and the national action plans under the European Neighbourhood Policy
should be fully used to support reforms and modernisation.
13. The EU indicated that it will continue to pursue
its specific EU Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean and
the Middle East, based on the existing frameworks and in
particular the Barcelona Process as far as the Mediterranean is
concerned, and aiming for
the appropriate articulation between the different frameworks. The
EU also stated its
readiness to cooperate with other actors, with a view to achieving
complementarity with
other initiatives, notably with the US and in the framework of the
G8 and NATO
Summits in June. The EU expressed its willingness to cooperate closely
with initiatives
coming from the region, including taking account of the outcome
of the Arab League
14. Ministers agreed that the clear commitment
to pursuing the Middle East Peace Process
through the implementation of the Road Map was central to the success
of such a policy.
Progress on the resolution of the Middle East conflict cannot be
a pre-condition for confronting the urgent reform challenges facing
the countries of the region, nor vice
versa. But it is clear that it will not be possible to build a common
zone of peace,
prosperity and progress unless a just and lasting settlement of
the conflict is in place.
15. Ministers reviewed developments since their
last meeting in Naples and view with great
concern the situation in the Middle East. The Presidency informed
partners about the
meeting of the International Quartet in New York on 4 May. They
noted with
appreciation the statement issued by the Quartet after the meeting
and welcomed the
programme of action outlined therein. The Quartet should play an
active role in pursuing
the goal of a comprehensive regional peace and encourage the parties
to move ahead
vigorously on the basis of the principles outlined in their New
York statement.
16. Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to a
negotiated two-State solution agreed between the parties which would
result in a viable, contiguous, sovereign and independent
Palestinian State existing side by side in peace with an Israel
living within recognised and
secure borders. They reaffirmed their belief that the Roadmap represents
the only route to
achieving such an outcome. They called on both sides to fulfil their
obligations under the
Roadmap. They stated that any change to the pre-1967 borders can
only be arrived at by
agreement between the parties. Ministers noted that the refugee
question and the manner
in which the right of return may be realised is also a Final Status
issue and that the
Roadmap states that a final and comprehensive permanent status agreement
that ends the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict must include an agreed, just, fair
and realistic solution to this
question. Ministers emphasised the principle that Final Status issues
are a matter for
negotiation and agreement between the parties themselves and must
not be prejudged.
Issues such as borders and refugees must be mutually agreed to by
Israelis and
Palestinians based on Security Council resolutions 242, 338, 1397,
1515, the terms of
reference of the Madrid peace process, the principle of land for
peace, previous
agreements and the Arab Peace Initiative adopted by the Beirut Arab
League Summit;
and be consistent with the Roadmap.
17. Ministers took note of the announced intention
of Israeli Prime Minister Sharon to
withdraw from all Gaza settlements and parts of the West Bank. They
agreed that such a
withdrawal must bring about a full Israeli withdrawal and complete
end of occupation in
Gaza, and can be a step towards achieving the two-state vision;
it could represent a
significant step towards the implementation of the Roadmap provided
that it is carried out
in accordance with certain conditions, as set out in the conclusions
of the March 2004
European Council. They consider that such a step should provide
a rare moment of
opportunity in the search for peace in the Middle East. Such an
initiative should be
properly orchestrated with the international community so as to
ensure that an orderly
situation in Gaza results which will permit the maintenance of security
as well as
rehabilitation and reconstruction. Ministers urged all parties to
undertake urgently
preparations towards this end. Ministers stressed the need to avoid
a political vacuum,
and the dangers which that would involve, in the interim period
between now and the
beginning of any withdrawal. They recalled that there are a number
of measures which
need to be adopted in the period immediately ahead in the political,
security and
humanitarian spheres in order to prevent further deterioration and
to resume progress.
Ministers urged an end to violence and terrorism as well as the
resumption of a ceasefire
embracing all parties and groups. They called on both sides to resume
negotiations on the
peace process without further delay.
18. Ministers stressed the importance of the Arab
Peace Initiative adopted by the Beirut Arab League Summit of 28
March 2002 to achieve a comprehensive peace in the Middle East which
must include Syria and Lebanon.
19. Ministers recalled that a just, lasting and
comprehensive peace must meet the legitimate
aspirations of both the Israeli and Palestinian people. Ministers
called on all States in the
region to exert every effort to promote peace. They also urged all
states to act to combat
20. The Euro-Mediterranean partners stated their
determination to assist the Iraqi people as they enter a new era
in the history of their country.
21. Calling on all parties in Iraq to work together
to establish a sovereign, independent,
democratic and peaceful Iraq whose territorial integrity is preserved
and which lives in
peace with its neighbours, the Euro-Mediterranean partners committed
themselves to
continue to help the Iraqi people rebuild their country and regain
its proper place in the
regional as well as the international family.
22. They welcomed the consensus reached by the
various parties in Iraq in signing the new
Transitional Administrative Law on 8 March and expressed the hope
that this encouraging development would permit the transition process
to move ahead expeditiously.
23. They noted that the security situation in Iraq
remained a major impediment to successful
political and reconstruction processes.
24. They condemned all violence and terrorist attacks,
including the kidnappings and brutal
murder of hostages. They deplored the taking of hostages in all
circumstances and called
on those responsible to release immediately and unharmed all remaining
hostages and to
desist from any further such activity.
25. The partners condemned any incidents of abuse
of prisoners in Iraq by occupying forces which have taken place
as contrary to international humanitarian law. They noted the
prompt response by the UK and US authorities in instigating investigations
into reports of
such abuse and their commitment to rectify any failure to adhere
to international humanitarian law.
26. Convinced that a strong UN role in this political
transition process is an essential element for its success, the
Euro-Mediterranean partners welcomed the decision of the Iraqi Governing
Council to invite the UN to help with the transfer of sovereignty
at the end of June 2004 and future national elections and the acceptance
of this invitation by the
United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan. They looked forward
to the UN playing a
vital and growing role endorsed by the UN Security Council in the
run-up to transition
and beyond and expressed their support to UN Special Advisor Mr
Lakhdar Brahimi in
his endeavours.
Political and security dialogue
27. Ministers expressed their determination to
give greater substance to the political and
security dialogue despite the obstacles posed notably by the absence
of progress in the
Middle East Peace Process. The noted the work programmes presented
by the ad hoc
working groups and looked forward to progress being made on the
areas covered by the
28. Ministers noted the upcoming EuroMeSCo/EuroMed
Senior Officials seminar to be held in Dublin on 1 June. They acknowledged
that EuroMeSCo continues to make an
important contribution to the promotion of ongoing dialogue in the
Political and Security
chapter of the Barcelona Process which is recognised by the Euro
Partnership’s adoption of EuroMeSCo as an official confidence
building measure.
Diplomatic Seminars
29. Ministers noted with appreciation the 16th
Seminar that was recently held in Malta.
Ministers agreed that these Seminars are an important contribution
to the Euro-
Mediterranean Partnership and expressed their support for this ongoing
Human rights and democratisation
30. Ministers underlined the importance of taking
forward the recommendations in the
Commission Communication on reinvigorating EU actions on human rights
democratisation with Mediterranean partners. They reaffirmed that
the Euro-
Mediterranean Partnership is based on respect for human rights,
fundamental freedoms
and democracy and that these form an essential element both of the
bilateral Association
Agreements and of the multilateral framework governing relations
between the EU and
Mediterranean partners. They also acknowledged the need for further
progress in the
region with regard to respect for human rights and democracy. This
could focus on
extending and strengthening political pluralism, regulatory reform
for the implementation
of international commitments, improving the judicial and penal systems,
transparency, education and awareness raising, as well as full acceptance
of and
improving conditions for activity by civil society. They confirmed
the need for full
adherence to international law by all parties.
31. Ministers noted that contacts have taken place
with a number of partners to draw up joint action plans in line
with the Commission’s Communication on the subject and an
allocation is envisaged for the countries that adopt action plans.
An EU-Morocco
Association sub-committee on human rights, democratisation and good
governance is
being established; other partners were encouraged to do the same
to allow for structured
discussion and follow-up; the EU indicated that human rights will
be an important
component of the political chapter of the European Neighbourhood
Policy Action Plans,
and two regional workshops will be held this year on the rights
of the child (including
matters relating to family law and parental responsibilities) and
on racism and
xenophobia. Ministers noted that activity under the European Initiative
for Democracy
and Human Rights has also been stepped up with a focus on strengthening
civil society
and improving governance and the fight against corruption.
32. Ministers expressed the conviction that addressing
these issues is essential to achieving
lasting economic, social and human development and the Euro-Mediterranean
Partnership's goal of a region of peace, stability and prosperity.
Fight against terrorism
33. Ministers deplored the recent terrorist attacks
which have demonstrated that the fight
against terrorism must be a priority objective. Ministers therefore
took this opportunity to
stress that progress in cooperation on the fight against terrorism
should be stepped up.
The need to move to the stage of concrete operational joint activities
has been heightened
by these attacks.
34. The EU, in the European Security Strategy adopted
at the European Council in December 2003, identified terrorism as
one of the key threats to EU interests. The European Council on
25/26 March 2004 adopted a Declaration on Combating Terrorism. The
European Council urged full implementation of measures to combat
terrorism as a matter of urgency and called for the development
of an EU long-term strategy to address all the factors contributing
to terrorism. It also agreed updated Strategic Objectives to enhance
the EU Plan of Action to Combat Terrorism which was adopted in the
wake of the 11 September 2001 attacks and subsequently supplemented
by many important initiatives.
35. Cooperation should be intensified both at regional
level and bilaterally. In the latter
context, Ministers mandated the Justice and Security sub-committees
existing or
currently being established under the Association Agreements to
take forward such joint
activities at expert level with the aim of improving and assisting
the development of
counter-terrorism standards and capabilities. The fight against
terrorism should also be
pursued in the framework of the Action Plans to be agreed under
the ENP.
36. Ministers also noted that the informal Ad Hoc
Senior Officials and experts’ meeting on
Terrorism on 21 April concentrated on an exchange of views on the
possibility of
engaging in operational joint activities.
37. Ministers instructed Senior Officials to explore
possibilities for enhancing dialogue and
cooperation on non-proliferation issues, in particular in order
to promote universal
adherence and effective compliance with all relevant multilateral
agreements, and the
implementation of effective export/end use control policies. The
development of a
cooperative mechanism should be examined, as well as the designation
of points of
contact between Euro-Mediterranean partners. On the EU side, the
Representative of HR Solana could assist in this process. The final
objective should
remain a mutually and effectively verifiable Middle East Zone free
of weapons of mass
destruction, nuclear, chemical and biological, and their means of
delivery, as set out in
the Barcelona declaration.
38. Ministers noted the report on dialogue and
cooperation on ESDP between the EU and
Mediterranean partners prepared by the relevant EU body and undertook
to discuss the
issue further at official level.
39. Ministers noted ongoing efforts to deepen this
dialogue in the framework of the
Barcelona Process, as agreed at Valencia. These efforts should focus
on means to raise
the visibility of this dialogue, establishing contact points on
a voluntary basis and
exploring the possibility for cooperation with Mediterranean partners
in concrete
activities on conflict prevention and crisis management. This could
be done through possible cooperation in the Senior Officials’
meetings and in other appropriate formats,
including on a subregional or country basis; this would be fully
coordinated with the
activities of the Euro-Mediterranean Process. These general efforts
would be made with a
view to encouraging participation of Mediterranean partners, on
a case by case basis, in
crisis management operations.
World Trade Organisation
40. Ministers recalled the need for all partners
to work towards the successful outcome of the current round of WTO
global trade negotiations, the Doha Development Agenda,
recognising the benefits which accrue from an effective rules-based
multilateral trading
Trade and economic integration
41. Ministers confirmed their support for the trade
and economic integration initiatives
undertaken in the Mediterranean. The conclusion in March 2004 of
the Agadir
Agreement opens the way to a major step forward in South-South regional
While backing the conclusion and early implementation of this agreement,
encouraged the participation of other Mediterranean partners. Ministers
confirmed a
common understanding that Mediterranean partners that have concluded
agreements with
the EU should become part of the Agadir Agreement, in accordance
with its provisions,
or should conclude free trade agreements among themselves, as important
steps towards
the realisation of the Euro-Mediterranean free trade area by the
target date of 2010.
Ministers took note of the rapid implementation of the MEDA €
4 million programme to
support the Agadir Agreement and its Secretariat. Ministers welcomed
the signature by
Turkey and Morocco of a free trade agreement.
42. All the necessary procedures for the incorporation
into the Association Agreements of the common pan-Euro-Mediterranean
origin protocol, agreed in the Trade Conference of
Palermo in July 2003, should be well advanced by the time of the
forthcoming Euro-
Mediterranean Trade Ministerial Conference (to be held in July 2004).
reiterated that the objective should be that all Agreements include
the common pan-Euro-
Mediterranean protocol of origin by 2005. For the Agadir Agreement
countries, this
would be well before the end of the transition period of the Agreement.
This would imply
the effective functioning of a substantial number of compatible
and interconnected free
trade agreements on the road towards the creation of the Euro-Mediterranean
Free Trade
43. Ministers welcomed the progress made in implementing
the Palermo Action Plan aimed
at facilitating the free movement of industrial products. Ministers
at Palermo endorsed a
list of recommendations concerning customs and trade facilitation.
Several Mediterranean
partners have already identified the priority sectors for which
they wish to obtain
improved access to the EU market through the implementation of EU-harmonised
legislation and the future conclusion of agreements on conformity
assessment. Ministers
noted that the gap analysis between the partners’ approach
to technical regulations,
standardisation and conformity assessment and EU legislation was
underway. The
Working Party on regional integration will present a progress report
to the next
conference of Euro-Mediterranean Trade Ministers. Ongoing activity
in this area will be
reflected by the European Neighbourhood Policy, in the context of
which additional
relevant measures can be incorporated within the Action Plans, and
the focus and
flexibility of assistance improved.
44. Ministers recognised that free trade in services,
where a great part of future economic
activity in Mediterranean partners will take place, will open the
way for promising
opportunities for investors and growth for sustained job creation.
An ambitious,
modulated approach to services liberalisation, accompanied by regulatory
is at the heart of the economic agenda of the Barcelona Process
and the Neighbourhood
Policy Action Plans. In this respect, all partners should work towards
the adoption of a
common protocol for the liberalisation of services, a major dimension
of the Free Trade
Area. The protocol should be used as the common basis for the negotiation
of future
bilateral agreements fully compatible with WTO-GATS obligations.
45. Ministers noted with appreciation the study
prepared by the FEMISE network on further liberalisation of trade
in agriculture which could be taken into account in further
discussions. Ministers invited the European Commission to start
consultations with all
partners concerned on further agricultural liberalisation, within
the framework of the
Association Agreements. Mutual liberalisation of agricultural trade
should remain a
priority for the deepening of the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade
Area. Furthermore,
following the positive results of the first Euro-Mediterranean Conference
on Agriculture
held in Venice in November 2003, Ministers acknowledged that the
cooperation should be extended to non-trade aspects notably in the
field of sustainable
rural development, organic farming and geographical indications.
Ministers expressed
their common commitment to achieving a free trade area, including
trade in agriculture,
by the target date of the Barcelona Declaration of 2010. They also
mandated senior
officials to develop a comprehensive approach regarding non-trade
aspects, on the basis
of a roadmap building on existing arrangements to achieve an appropriately
higher level
of reciprocal liberalisation of trade in agricultural products,
to be submitted by the
Commission in 2004.
46. Ministers also expressed their commitment to
achieving a free trade area by 2010,
including trade in processed agricultural products. Negotiations
for further liberalisation
in this sector should be pursued. Preliminary discussions on improved
concessions have already been held with Morocco. During recent meetings,
Tunisia, Lebanon and Egypt have expressed their willingness to obtain
a better access to
the EU market. It is also in the interests of EU industry to improve
access to the markets
of all Euro-Mediterranean partners. The roadmap referred to in the
previous paragraph
should take appropriate consideration of trade in processed agricultural
47. Ministers welcomed the launching of the sustainability
impact assessment of the Euro-
Mediterranean Free Trade Area. The study could become a reference
for assessing the
overall impact of free trade and an instrument to design future
trade policies to ensure
economic, social and environmental sustainability. Ministers encouraged
all interested
parties to actively contribute to the study in order to take into
consideration, as
comprehensively as possible, all points of view and areas of concern.
The sustainability
impact assessment could become an instrument of reference for all
partners to help
achieve completion of free trade in the Euro-Mediterranean region
in a harmonious
48. Ministers noted that the forthcoming Euro-Mediterranean
seminar on economic transition scheduled for June 2004 in Brussels
will be an excellent opportunity to discuss the priorities for reform
in the framework of the agreed objectives of National Action Plans
in the European Neighbourhood Policy, and in the framework of National
and Regional
Indicative Programmes, as appropriate. They also welcomed the initiative
by Morocco
and the UK to hold a conference in Marrakech on the social consequences
of economic
reform in May 2004. In Naples, Ministers agreed to consider establishing
on a long-term
basis regional economic dialogue. To that end, meetings of Economics/Finance
should be convened in principle every two years, taking account
also of the FEMIP
Ministerial meetings, and prepared through high level Officials'
meeting of the regional
economic dialogue.
49. Ministers welcomed the new initiatives launched
following the meeting of the working
group on Euro Mediterranean industrial co-operation that took place
in Rome in October
2003. The ongoing work towards the adoption of a Euro-Mediterranean
Charter for
Entrepreneurship and the implementation of a programme to promote
best practice in
enterprise policy (MED BEST) are two examples of the renewed co-operation
with a
focus on regulatory and administrative reforms. Ministers encouraged
the commitment to
concrete policy actions during the forthcoming conference of Euro-Mediterranean
Industry Ministers.
50. In line with the conclusions of the Naples
Foreign Ministers’ meeting, the opening of the
European Research Area to the Mediterranean Partners is taking place
through a policy
dialogue between the EU and these countries under the auspices of
the Monitoring
Committee on Science and Technology. Scientific agreements have
been concluded by
the EU with Tunisia, Morocco and Israel, while an agreement has
been initialled with
Egypt. The Commission recalled that sub-committees on ‘Research
and Innovation’ have
been set up under the Association Agreements with Morocco, Tunisia,
Israel and Jordan;
and this dimension is included in the draft Neighbourhood action
plans. MEDA and the
Framework Programme work in synergy: some structural activities
have been recently
launched by the Commission to increase Mediterranean partners’
participation in EC
RTD activities and to improve the efficiency of national research
Sub-regional co-operation
51. Ministers stressed that sub-regional cooperation
should be encouraged and reinforced.
The need to establish closer cross-border relations and to create
closer sub-regional links,
institutional and in infrastructure, both in the Maghreb and the
Mashraq, should become
an increasingly high priority in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
The implementation
of this policy could begin with the three central Maghreb countries
(Morocco, Algeria
and Tunisia). The latter could constitute a "pilot experiment"
in that respect, aimed at
being extended to other partner countries. To this end, the Commission
is ready to
provide financial support for sub-regional co-operation, and fully
exploit, as has been the
case for energy cooperation, the sub-regional potential of current
and future regional
programmes. New neighbourhood programmes, which have been the subject
of a
Commission Communication on 1 July 2003, could be a major instrument
for intra- and
inter-regional cooperation with all neighbours including, inter
alia, in the field of
infrastructure and judicial co-operation.
Transport and Energy
52. Transport and energy will continue to be two
sectors in which regional integration should act as a catalyst for
investment projects. Cooperation in these fields could take account
of the two Commission Communications adopted in 2003, on the development
of energy policy for the enlarged European Union, its neighbours
and partner countries, and the one on the development of a Euro-Mediterranean
Transport Network. The implementation of the conclusions adopted
by the two Euro-Mediterranean Energy Ministerial conferences held
in 2003 should prompt concrete progress by the working groups on
electricity interconnections in the Maghreb and the Mashraq, and
the tri-partite Energy Working Group between Israel, the Palestinian
Authority and the Commission.
53. On transport, growing support to the Galileo
project in the region should provide a solid basis for future co-operation
for the improvement of global navigation conditions in the Mediterranean.
Participation of the Mediterranean partners in the GALILEO project
should be encouraged. Ministers welcomed the launching of two programmes
in the
transport field in 2004, one on the Galileo global navigation satellite
system and the other
on maritime safety and security (SAFEMED) with a total EC contribution
of € 9 million.
The Commission drew attention to the proposal to open negotiations
on comprehensive
aviation agreements (“Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreements”)
with certain
Mediterranean Partners. The Commission indicated that both the transport
and energy
sectors would be considered high priority under the New Neighbourhood
Instrument to
enhance cross-border cooperation from 2007.
Sustainability and Environment
54. As regards the environment, Ministers called
for the rapid ratification by the all parties
concerned of the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean
Sea against Pollution,
under the Barcelona Convention on the Protection of the Mediterranean,
noting that the
European Community had recently completed its ratification procedures.
ratification, along with the participation of the European Commission
in the Bureau of
the Barcelona Convention, should improve the effectiveness of the
Exchange of experiences in the area of sustainable development should
be sought in line
with the Plan of Implementation from the World Summit on Sustainable
Development in
Johannesburg and primarily with the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea
Regions as stated in
the Athens Declaration by the Euro-Mediterranean Ministers for the
Environment. Also
contributing to the improvement of environmental cooperation in
the region will be the
implementation in 2004 of the new MEDA Environment regional programme.
addition, following the presentation made at the Mid-Term Euro-Mediterranean
conference held in Crete in May 2003, Ministers reiterated their
support for the
Mediterranean component of the EU Water Initiative, launched at
the World Summit for
Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. Ministers noted
the Commission’s
report on the current status of the Short and Medium Term Priority
Action Programme
for the Environment (SMAP).
Information Technologies
55. Ministers noted the importance of information
and communications technologies for all
parties on both sides of the Mediterranean. They noted that a conference
of officials and
experts would be held in June 2004 in Dublin which will accentuate
the importance of
information and telecommunications for the competitiveness and the
development of all partners, and expressed their hope for the success
of the meeting.
Ministers stressed the role of regulatory reform and the transfer
of technology through
investment, in developing modern information technology sectors
in Mediterranean
partners. It is proposed that, as a follow up to this conference,
Ireland will host a Euro
Mediterranean ICT Ministerial meeting in 2005. Both events will
provide an important
contribution of the Euro Mediterranean Partnership to the Information
summit to be held in Tunis in December 2005.
Financial Co-operation
56. Ministers took note of the report on the state-of-play
that was presented by the
Commission regarding the recently adopted orientations of the MEDA
National and
Regional Indicative Programmes for the Mediterranean partners. Ministers
noted that the
main thrust of regional cooperation in the coming two years will
be the support of
regulatory reforms for the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean
free trade area and
the European Neighbourhood policy priorities. Another major priority
under regional
cooperation will be an enhanced dialogue between Euro-Mediterranean
peoples and
cultures with specific support for the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation
for Dialogue of
Cultures, the setting up of cooperation between municipalities and
local authorities and
the continuation of the Youth programme. These priorities, together
with the continued
support to the networks EuroMeSCo (foreign policy institutes) and
FEMISE (economic
institutes), will constitute the major areas of regional cooperation
in the period 2005-
2006. In addition, New Neighbourhood programmes are foreseen for
the years 2004-2006 and a New Neighbourhood Instrument is under
development for the period after 2006, to promote network integration
and cross border co-operation along the external borders of the
enlarged EU, and this will be the subject of a Commission proposal
in the coming weeks. The New Neighbourhood Programmes and Instrument
will complement existing activities.
57. Ministers noted the results in the implementation
of MEDA, that were confirmed by the
Commission. Particular emphasis was placed on the progress achieved
in the
payments/commitments ratio which reached 90% in 2003 (already 90%
in 2002, 68% in
2001); commitments in 2003 reached 100% of credits available (€777
58. Ministers agreed on the strategic importance
of providing appropriate financial support to the economic and social
development, in particular in the framework of the future
financial perspectives of the EU.
Encouraging Private Investment
59. Ministers acknowledged the success of FEMIP
activities. They noted that the EIB had
recently opened an office in Cairo and was considering the opening
of additional offices
in other Mediterranean Partner countries. The importance of private
investment as the
main engine of growth and job creation in the region was recognised.
It is essential that
the efforts of the EIB through FEMIP, whose lending reached €
2 billion in 2003, and
those of other instruments and institutions, are accompanied by
decisive regulatory
reforms to facilitate investment, including foreign investment.
Private investment is
crucially dependent on the political, economic and social environment.
Ministers agreed
to work to improve the climate for encouraging private investment.
A consistent effort to
introduce regulatory reforms to provide a stable business-friendly
environment is
fundamental to promote productive investment. FEMIP should continue
to develop its
focus on private investment development including SMEs, and helping
employment creation. In this respect, they also welcomed the work
of the ANIMA
network of investment promotion agencies which, subject to a positive
evaluation, should
continue to be supported. Regulatory reforms in the field of investment
should be the
subject of special attention in the Neighbourhood Action Plans and
in the services
liberalisation negotiations.
Regional Cooperation
60. Ministers confirmed the particular importance
of cooperation among regions of the Euro- Mediterranean Partnership
as being instrumental in providing the Barcelona Process with further
visibility as well as in bringing the partnership closer to the
civil societies of the
region. In this context, they welcomed the various ongoing activities
in the framework of
the pilot project MED'ACT and took note of the conclusions of the
meeting of Euro-
Mediterranean mayors and of their representatives which was held
in Brussels, on 16-17
February last, aiming at the implementation of a specific programme
regarding the
cooperation of Euro-Mediterranean local authorities.
Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures
and Civilisations
61. Ministers agreed that the Foundation should
be known as “The Anna Lindh Euro-
Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue of Cultures”. They
accepted with gratitude
the offer of Egypt and Sweden that it should have its headquarters
in Alexandria Library
in tandem with the Swedish Institute in Alexandria. Ministers noted
that the Foundation
would serve as a forum for frank and open discussions, open to all
62. In recognition of the offers made by Cyprus,
Italy and Malta, Minister also agreed that, in its activities with
the network of networks, the Foundation would be particularly attentive
to supporting events in those countries.
63. Ministers instructed the Euro-Mediterranean
Committee to prepare as a matter of urgency a revised timetable
for completing the work on all outstanding matters concerning the
64. On the question of the financing, the importance
of all parties contributing financially
towards the cost of its establishment was recalled as indication
of their political
commitment and common ownership of the Foundation.
65. Ministers underlined that education is one
of the most important pillars for intercultural
dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region. It is also of key importance
in permitting the
partners to participate fully in the knowledge economy. In this
respect, Ministers took
note of the successful implementation of the TEMPUS programme which,
beyond the
initial forecasts, has already become an important instrument in
most countries. This
programme, working through networks involving higher education institutions,
ensures a
lasting impact on education systems of the Mediterranean partners
and helps to
strengthen dialogue between cultures. In the same field, Ministers
welcomed the
substantial bilateral programmes financed under MEDA devoted to
education and also
agreed that this should continue to be a priority.
66. Concerning other MEDA regional actions in this
area, Ministers noted the progress made: the launching of the Euromed
Youth Platform for dialogue among representatives of
youth organisations and the development of subsequent sub-regional
meetings, such as
the one that took place in Amman in March; the preparation of phase
II of Euromed
Audio-visual and the corresponding annual conference in Marseilles
in April 2004 with a
special emphasis on the legislative framework for a better circulation
of audio-visual
products in the region; the successful implementation of Euromed
Heritage phase III and
the organisation of a Conference to be held in June 2004 in Rome
in order to cement its
positive results. Ministers recalled the achievements within these
existing regional
actions and the need for the Euromed Foundation to avoid any duplication
of effort with
the ongoing MEDA programmes. They agreed to facilitate the participation
of the civil
societies of the region in the development of those programmes.
According to the Naples
Conclusions, Ministers confirmed their willingness to create a Euro-Mediterranean
of higher education based on the experience of the EULAC Common
Space for Higher
Education and on the Tempus-MEDA programme.
Justice and Home Affairs Issues Migration
67. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of
migration and expressed the view that, if
carefully managed, migration can be a positive factor for the socio-economic
growth of
the whole region.
68. Migration can have an impact on the recipient
society and on migrants themselves, e.g.
the social conditions which migrants face and the attitudes of the
host population.
Migration is linked to the social, cultural and political integration
of migrants. Promoting
the successful integration of migrants in any country is therefore
necessary but requires
time and understanding; it is an area which needs to be pursued
69. In this context, Ministers reaffirmed the importance
of a comprehensive approach
towards migration and the social integration of legally residing
migrants. They ensured
that the dialogue and cooperation on migration which has started
with some
Mediterranean Partners would be extended to all partners. The dialogue
should cover
possibilities for intensified cooperation regarding the root causes
of migration and the
fight against illegal migration. Ministers confirmed an approach
balancing the legitimate
concerns of all partners.
70. It remains of key importance to tackle illegal
migration via the Mediterranean Sea as well as associated criminal
offences, including cross-border human trafficking. Concerted
efforts by all members of the Barcelona Process should lead to a
prevention of
transporting illegal immigrants by sea, which has led to tragic
accidents and loss of life in
the past. Ministers agreed that the dialogue aims to ensure concrete
and operational cooperation by all the relevant partners and their
authorities in the region. Ministers
renewed their commitment to the conclusion of re-admission agreements.
71. Ministers took note of developments in the
first year of implementation of the regional
programme covering the justice, police and migration sectors which
permits experts and
trainers from Euro-Mediterranean countries to work together in judicial
co-operation in
civil and penal matters, in the fight against terrorism, drugs and
organised crime and in a
joint approach to migration. In these sectors Ministers encouraged
and supported the
implementation of the actions identified respectively with the European
Institute of
Public Administration of Maastricht, the European Police College
(CEPOL) and The
European University Institute-Robert Schuman Centre of Florence.
Ministers welcomed
the creation of networks through these programmes, renewed their
full support for their
implementation and looked forward to the further development of
this co-operation in the
second phase of the programme due to start in 2005.
Civil Society
72. Ministers welcomed the work developed by civil
society organisations since the Naples
Ministerial meeting, in order to guarantee the continuity and impact
of the work of the
civil forums in the partnership. The aim has been to associate in
a process of continuous
co-operation the organisers of the previous civil forums, those
of the upcoming ones and
a permanent structure representative of the main themes of the partnership.
In this
respect, Ministers welcomed the organisation, through extensive
and open national
consultations, of the General Assembly to be held in June 2004 and
the official launching
of the Euromed Civil Forum Platform. The Commission indicated that
the platform will
be responsible, together with the Presidency’s national representatives,
and the
Commission competent services for organising future civil forums.
Information and Visibility of the Barcelona Process
73. Ministers stressed their particular regret
concerning the information deficit which still
exists concerning the Barcelona Process. They gave their full support
to the recently
launched regional Information and Communication programme, and agreed
that they
would encourage all efforts at national and multilateral level to
strengthen the visibility of
the Barcelona Process and its perception by the general public,
notably by facilitating the
work of the programme with opinion leaders, with the media, official
institutions, the
business community and civil society.
74. The meeting took place at a crucial time in
the EU’s relations with the Mediterranean
region and beyond. It reaffirmed a strong political commitment to
the Barcelona Process
and all its activities. Ministers also reaffirmed that the Euro-Mediterranean
makes a distinct contribution to encouraging a process of political
and economic progress
for the benefit of the peoples of the region. Ministers took clear
decisions on outstanding
matters, and agreed to speed up the process of implementation of
the commitments
undertaken in the Valencia Action Plan and the conclusions of the
Naples Foreign
Ministers’ meeting. Ministers approved the final decisions
regarding the Euro-
Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue of Cultures. The meeting
also provided an
opportunity for an exchange of views between the EU and the partners
on the European
Neighbourhood Policy. Finally, Ministers availed themselves of the
opportunity provided
by the Dublin Ministerial meeting to pursue an intensive consultation
on the principles,
objectives and implementation measures of the proposed ‘EU
Strategic Partnership on the
Mediterranean and the Middle East’. Ministers looked forward
to considering these and
other relevant issues at the next Euro-Mediterranean mid-term ministerial
meeting which
will take place during the Netherlands Presidency on 29/30 November