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Naples, 18th April 2003


The Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, with the Accademia del Mediterraneo, calls an Appeal for Peace against a permanent state of war and promotes, as main tool, the dialogue between cultures and societies: an essential element to ensure progress and shared development, on which the Fondazione has been founding its action for almost ten years.
A strong and determined action, because it is oriented to the future and based on the hope that Mediterranean peoples may achieve an enduring peace, work for the economic, social and political reconstruction of their Countries, within the limits of the borders recognized today; live their differences in perfect harmony and with a spirit of tolerance, dialogue and freedom.
The original approach followed by the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo since 1994 – in agreement with the principles stated by the Council of Europe and then by the European Union through the Process of Barcelona – consists in promoting the Euro-Mediterranean integration process through science and culture.
It is an original and realistic approach, because I am firmly persuaded that, both in the Euro-Mediterranean area and elsewhere, dialogue and mediation must anyway be preferred to military solutions. This approach also coincides with the fundamental orientation of the Accademia del Mediterraneo-Maison de la Méditerranée which is meant to be first of all a point of reference for the respect of cultural and linguistic diversities and for an enduring dialogue between cultures and societies. This is a political, economic, social and cultural challenge that involves all of us.
The interdependence between men, societies and spaces is nowadays the rule and scientific and technological changes, economic and financial globalisation, the immediate circulation of information lead the whole Mankind towards a future of homologation. This does not mean to go towards a shared destiny, it is just the opposite: inequalities and poverties increasing across the world are evidence of this different destiny. Evidence of this is also given by the risk of hegemony of some powerful countries with regard to decisions involving the future of our planet – as shown by the events of these last days – or by the block of information with regard to the weakest and poorest groups of the population.
Another risk arises either from the submission of local economies to industrial strategies poorly connected with the real needs of that country or from the monopolies of specific private or public players on the construction and diffusion of standardised models of behaviour, consumption, thinking, creativity and, therefore, existence.
When the international exchanges are widespread and huge, the States, but above all the citizens, feel that the management of their own world is taken away from them and that a “monoculture” is imposed on them. Facing this loss of identity, especially in the Mediterranean, there is a great temptation to withdraw from the surrounding world, to cling to archaic values, rooted in the past, in a climate of intolerance often leading to fanaticism, hatred, refusal of the Other.
If we want to prevent the cold war of the past from turning into a cultural suicide, facilitated by international mass migratory movements, it is necessary – in the broadest sense of the word – to democratise the globalisation before the globalisation denatures democracy.
This means promoting, in a rapid and effective way, dialogue and cooperation between areas that are potential conflict generators, such as the Euro-Mediterranean area. The great cultural and linguistic areas – of which the Mediterranean is an ancient guardian – represent today privileged solidarity areas which, if they are strengthened by dialogue and cooperation, are the best guarantee for democracy, peace and shared development.
The dialogue among cultures is, today more than ever, absolutely necessary not only in the Mediterranean but also as a world-scale project: a project of society where the different cultures complete each other without a mutual exclusion, are strengthened without disappearing, are joined together without losing their own identity.
We have, all of us, to contribute to the construction of a “multi-polar world”, respecting languages, cultures, traditions and a truly democratic management of international relations.
However, all this relies on the fact that the world cultural diversity becomes a preliminary condition to construct a true dialogue between peoples, that recognizing culture as a prevailing force is not an exception but rather the foundation of the new civilization process, that culture is not limited to arts and literature but involves all the aspects of life in its spiritual, institutional, material, intellectual and emotional dimension in the different social contexts: in short, that – in a hard world made up of often conflicting forces – culture can hold the role of “good force”, enabled to influence the processes of history.
Recognizing that culture and development are inseparable, avoiding a mere commercial and economic approach to culture, is essential for the construction of the future both in the Mediterranean and elsewhere.
The Appeal we want to call today in Naples is simple : to promote the dialogue for the coexistence of diversities and for an enduring peace.
The strong hope is that weapon will be silent for ever. Violence must cease.
The peoples of the Mediterranean, at the dawn of this new millennium, must definitely finish with a tragic past and exalt all their wealth and their huge heritage, which have represented and still represent a universal value for the whole Mankind.

Naples – via Depretis, 130 – 80133
Tel. 0039 081 552 30 33 – fax 0039 081 420 32 73

The appeal

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