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expressed on more than one occasion, its deepest concern regarding the current situation in Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories, in particular the Gaza Strip.

Already under siege for several months, the population of Gaza is undergoing perpetrated destruction of civil infrastructure, as well as, growing human losses.

The destruction of civil targets in Lebanon, and the civil losses which were caused by the military actions carried out in this country lead back to the darkest moments of its history.

Human losses and the state of fear experienced by Israeli people who are coming under fire from Hezbollah can only foster the vicious circle of war putting the prospect of trust and peace further out of reach.

In Iraq, the daily civil war kills innocent victims, destabilizing the region and fostering fundamentalism and terrorism.

FM appeals to all involved to liberate detainees and those captured on all sides. FM condemns and rejects all acts of violence against civil populations. Nothing justifies the collective punishment inflicted on civilians, or the destruction of civil infrastructure vital to the achievement of peaceful coexistence and development of a civil society.

FM strongly condemns all aggressions, which are a striking violation of International Law, in particular the Geneva Convention, and can only lead to a humanitarian catastrophe, and most of all, turn any peace perspective out of reach.

Civil society of the Greater Mediterranean has said no to this war. This rejection of war is based on tragedy of World War II, which was the result of a degeneration of Darwinism into Eugenics, of national liberation changed to nationalism, and of the expanding force of civilization into colonialism. Europe has re-awakened to the values that three centuries of civil conscience have created: social and human rights, peace between nations, the value of dialogue over war, and consensus over individuality.

It is true that the world is full of dictatorships. But this is particularly so in countries where exploitation over the centuries has produced a degradation of life, society and politics. We are all responsible for these dictators, not only those Nations who supported them for a certain period, when it suited them, and who now while fighting against them make alliances with the others.

We are determined now to shake off these responsibilities, to revive the U.N. so that it will oppose the power of one member against its collective decisions, and ensure that no one State invades, represses, impoverishes and offends; so that the smaller States will be respected in the same way as the larger ones, that the weaker elements may have the same dignity as the powerful; that no one assumes a divine mission, and in the name of God brings destruction on earth.

Dialogue, International Law, the spirit of equality, the power of compassion-these constitute the means by which this millennium that has started with suffering and strife can be transformed into an era of solidarity and justice. These conditions depend on us as European citizens, who have used our aggressive modernizing force to shake the world, and who now want to transform it into a modernity of reconstruction and peace.

The demands of dialogue, justice and peace, laid in the BARCELONA Declaration and which the peoples of the region need so much, is undermined by bureaucracy and  lack of sensibility as shown by the poor  and ephemeral results achieved.

We call upon the EU and its member states to put an end to this imbalanced policy that denies of the right of existence to all victims of this absurd massacre - Palestinian, Iraqi, Israeli and Lebanese citizens.

We call upon the international bodies and all the states of the Greater Mediterranean region to act urgently to put an end to this unbearable situation. 

Naples, 19th July 2006


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