The Logo Of Fondazione Mediterraneo

Sharing values
Combating inequality
Constructing peace

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 Inglese Francese Italiano 

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La Maison de la Méditerranée

Who we are
Guidelines 2006-2010
Independent Institutes

1997, Naples

1998, Palermo


In virtue of its initiatives the Fondazione Mediterraneo, together with the Independent institutes and the Maison de la Méditerranée, has received numerous acknowledgements from:

1) The European Parliament (1996);
2) Unesco (1996);
3) The President of the Republic of Macedonia (1998);
4) The President of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
5) The President of the Republic of Italy, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro (1998);
6) Juan Carlos I, King of Spain (1998);
7) Mohammed VI, King of Morocco (2000);
8) Abdullah I Bin Al-Hussein, King of Jordan (2000);
9) The President of the Italian Republic,Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (2002);
10) The President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi (2002);
11) The General Secretary of The Council of Europe, Walter Schwimmer (2003);
12) The European Commissioner, Mario Monti (1998);
13) The President of the Foreign Commission of the French National Assembly. Jack Lang (1999);
14) The 200,000 people world-wide who subscribed to the Appeal for Peace in ex-Jugoslavia, among whom Heads of State, Nobel Prize-winners, cultural, political, economic and religious figures;
15) The Nobel Prize-winners and scientists who subscribed to the World Appeal for Water;
16) The Institutional and Social representatives who subscribed to the Appeal for the Sassi di Matera;
17) The cultural and scientific figures who subscribed to the Appeal for Albania;
18) The 15,000 people who subscribed to the Appeal for the Balkans and Kosovo;
19) The politicians, cultural and scientific figures and representatives of Environmental and Social Associations that subscribed to the Appeal for the Safeguard of the Mediterranean at Otranto on 29.12.2002. This appeal was ratified by Cities and Bodies from Euro-Mediterranean countries and obtained the support of the European Commission;
20) The Institutions (National and Regional Academies, Universities, Cities, Regions, Provinces, Islands, Cultural and Research Institutes)representing 27 Euro-Mediterranean countries that have formally joined the Accademia del Mediterraneo-Maison de la Méditerranée and recognised its legitimacy of representation;
21) The Universities that have supported the Independent Institution Almamed;
22) The Cities that have supported the Independent Institution Euromedcity;
23) The Islands that have supported the Independent Institution Isolamed;
24) The Institutions that have contributed premises of prestige and qualified personnel the for new specialised offices of the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation and the Mediterranean Academy;
25) The Heads of State heads and Members of Government, Presidents of Regions, Provinces and Local Communities, Mayors, Rectors of Universities, Nobel Prize-winners. Representatives of prestigious Cultural and Research Institutes who have acted as Founder members of the Mediterranean Academy -Maison de la Méditerranée;
26) The Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lamberto Dini (1998);
27) The Italian Ministry for Universities and Research, which through Ministerial Decree no. 680, dated 26-2-1998 published on the Official Journal no. 98 on 29-4-98 made a special award for the basic running costs of the Foundation’s research and training activities;
28) The Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, which, by a Decree dated 20-4-99 and published in Official Journal no.113 on 17-5-99, recognised the Foundation’s legal status;
29) The European Commission which, in recognising its cultural standing and its representative and organisational capacity, entrusted the Foundation with the coordination of a part of the programme in commemoration of H.R.H. Hussein Bin Talal, King of Jordan;
30) The States, Regions, Cities, Universities and Institutions and Bodies of the Euro-Mediterranean countries,(officially representing over 150 million citizens) who unanimously voted for the resolutions sent to The European Union between 2000 and 2001 with the objective of supporting the initiative of dialogue between cultures and societies, as structured by the Foundation;
31) The Italian Parliament, which by a large majority and in a very short time, approved Law no. 111 of 15-6-202 which awarded the initial funds for the operation of the Foundation and the Independent institutes.

32) Mr. Pier Ferdinando Casini, President of the Chamber of Deputies (8th September 2003);

33) The Italian Government by Gianni Letta, Under-Secretary at the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers(5th November 2004;

34) Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammed Bedjaoui of Algeria (26 February 2006)

The international acknowledgements in thus recognising the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo and its institutions as Euro-Mediterranean network for the dialogue between cultures and societies, authorises the same to act as a legitimate and representative reference Institute for Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

The Foundation’s Welcome
United for peace
Dialogue between
   cultures and shared
A Europe and the
The Sea and the Cities
Young people, the
   resource of the future

1998, Naples

1999, Marrakech

2000, Amman
* *